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Compromised of Your Mom, Your Pants, Alazarelle, Illuminya and myself (Yuzu)...
We're still young, but hey, we can live.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pandora Hearts Chapter 61

Well unfortunately it took a while longer to get these up and since I'm not too desperate to make accounts to download raws I waited patiently and was ecstatic when it came out ( "is" ecstatic, I guess is better since I'm writing this as I'm about to read it!)

Consists of spoilers (obviously) and flooding of scans!! Jun's art is so pretty, I can't help it!!


Now this chapter seems to start off with some Elliot/Vincent brotherly relationship with Elliot talking to Elliot's dead body.

After this it automatically goes into Oz, Alice, Gil, Sharon, Rufusm Barma and Sharon's mother all discussing the death of The Duke of the Nightrays (Who was killed by Vincent in the previous chapter) They discuss on who it possibly could be, a copy cat of Humpty Dumpty or was Humpty Dumpty just a copy cat itself. Oooohhhh spooky stuff... Then this happened:

Now this is probably related to this scene from the last chapter:

So while people freak out about the possibility of Vincent having done that, there is also some who question how because his "Dorm Mouse" is unable to to such things but apparently it wasn't the dormouse.

So, I'm thinking as I read this: "Woah......." with no other words to say.

So, after this Vincent says that Elliot's chain was just a copy of his and he didn't understand why it existed but now he knows why.... and now this was a theory that was pretty much proven but now it has been cannonised.

Yes. Glen's soul is within Leo.
(and apparently The Duke of the Nightrays knew too)

So the two go inside and then Vincent talks about some shiz about Leo being Glen's new body-carrier-thing.

Vincent then tells Leo about how the Duke knew of Leo being the new Glen and how he also knew Elliot was the core of the Humpty Dumpty Chain. Vincent was not pleased.

So Vincent scares The Duke and yells at him for being so selfish:

Vincent tells the Duke that he was the one who killed Fred who along with Ernest and Claude hated Gil and wanted to harm him and those two died before he killed them (by Elliot) and then to make sure Gil wasn't accused he "tried" to poison him. He also broke the second sealing stone and cut someone's head off so Break would leave Elliot and be led to Fang and the others.

He then tells the Duke that he is going to prove Elliot is innocent and not the head-hunter by killing him now (Elliot is dead)

Then some angered comments (a side of Vincent we don't see)  are said and Vincent kills him angrily...

 Vincent says that Elliot was like the opposite of himself and that he really liked him


and then while he speaks to Elliot, Elliot begins to speak...

Now this part made me smile a little while also feeling sad, though the fact that Elliot's last words are for Leo make me very happy <3 Also, I've always -unlike a lot of people - liked Vincent, he's one of my favourites and this chapter made me love him a little more and then the scene afterwards just broke my heart:

;___; </3 I didn't actually cry when I read this, I was truthfully a lot more shocked and then felt really sad but one of the things that I've always liked about Vincent was his love for his brother (not in an incestous way) and the fact that he would give his life away to make Gil happy is just like him, but what would that lead to, I wonder.

This little part right after this is said made me kind of awww in a sad way of these two connecting:

Then, Leo accepts Vincent's proposition and asks him to cut his hair, stating he's "tired of hiding"...

and we see Leo's eyes for the first time and wow......

Now the major plot and everything is coming together I can't wait to find out where this leads us!

Also, just a fun fact:

Elliot's deatrh is in chapter 59, which coincidently is in the middle of Volume 16....

Jun has been trolling us for a long time.


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