Yes, we lack in the spirit and festivities department, ((well. I do)) and we're all busy and making our own plans..
not to mention that all manga was not out on Christmas..
although Starry Sky was..
We. Well. I feel the need to say HAPPY NEW YEAR :) to you all.
It's been pretty hectic, and I have been secretly planning this for a long time..
I don't know.
I'd like to encourage you guys to add these animes on your list ((because I'm a bit biased))
-Arakawa Under The Bridge x Bridge
-Yojouhan Shinwa Takei/The Tatami Galaxy
Tatami Galaxy is definitely something I really like. A lot of people are pushed away by it's somewhat odd animation, creepy styles/music and 'lack of plot' but that's what I feel really gives Tatami it's attractiveness. It's deeper than it looks, holds a lot of meaning and life lessons by our Protagonist's senpai, and should be something you should check out and give it a try, because how often do you see anime like that? :)
Arakawa is another one of those unique ones you need to check out. First AND second season. It's humor is unique to few who are completely random and unwired, and so cute. The leading characters, Ric/Ko Ichinomiya and Nino(Resident Venusian and completely cute) interact wonderfully, Nino giving us the adorable cute-ness and Ric giving us the 'common sense' he owns. What he deals with being with Nino~. We also have our awesome side characters, Hoshi ((who'd do anything to get with our beloved Nino)), Mayor ((Who's a 620 year old Kappa/youkai)), Sister ((A man dressed as a nun who's 'holy' and uses guns in mass)), Maria ((Who has Sister wrapped around her pinky, poisoned mouth but incredibly beautiful)) and lots more~
((Why yes, I will talk about Stella :) .. Someday.))
So I hope my little review littered with some horrendous typos will be able to convince you to check it out!
Welcome to Sketchbook13~
We give you Sketchbook13, a gaming/anime/manga/trolling/somewhatpersonal blog for your interest.
Compromised of Your Mom, Your Pants, Alazarelle, Illuminya and myself (Yuzu)...
We're still young, but hey, we can live.
So drop by, say hi and WELCOME ^^
Friday, December 31, 2010
Game Convention~
So during the wonderful holiday known as Christmas there was a convention. Not just any convention. The Asia Game Show. The largest game convention on those side of the world!
I went with the wonderful leader known as Axel to see it.
It costs $25 to get in. A little pricey but we got it at the convention center so no discounts for us. Boohoo. As we walk in there's cosplay area at the far end and a stage nearby with booths littered here and there. We, by some magical chance, end up at the little anime shop there. I end blowing some of my money on a new Vongola ring and Axel gets...other stuff. Little card things. I get a Kuroshitsuji one. They also have a few Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts necklaces (eg: Xigbar's snipers and such) We go over to the Square Enix area and stare at stuff we know we won't buy (like that stuffed Moogle and all those posters) Axel drooled over Tidus, I did the same for Leon and Dante. (No Kingdom Hearts stuff! As usual.) We then move over to the gaming stations. Marvel v.s. Capcom 3 had two stations but constantly had people lining up for it. Phooey.
We went over to the PSP gaming station. Axel took a picture with a giant penguin from Prinny. We played and failed at Aqua in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Went around and played Dissidia 012. (Out March 3rd next year.) I had a blast. It's on definitely on my wish list now. We went on to the second platform and I tried to play The 3rd Birthday and failed miserably. I still want it regardless. For some horrifying reason they didn't have it. I guess that's what happens when you go on the last day.
We go back towards the cosplayers and I recognize about a dozen KHR cosplayers (yayyyyy), a few Naruto cosplayers (saw a very nice Kakashi), a couple Gintama cosplayers, the usual abundance of Mikus, Rins, Lens and Kaitos and few scatter Kuroshitsuji cosplayers. Took a few pictures and continue towards the autograph wall. Took a few more of some nice drawings and Gazette signature.
One of the main things being showcased was the PS Move.To be honest, it seems to work exactly like a Wii except the remote looks like some kind of light up microphone. Not too impressed. As we were browsing back at the gaming stations I hear a familiar noise and called out to Axel. We ran but had already missed the trailer for a Kingdom Hearts game. If we were lucky, it was just for Final Mix and nothing big like Re:Coded. We then watch a few trailers in 3D including the new Metal Gear Solid: Rising, FFXIII, Gran Turismo and the "relaunched" Devil May Cry.
All in all, it was a pretty decent convention, slightly small in size but there were two other larger conventions going on at the same time. I'm looking forward to some new games and a New Year. Can't wait.
I went with the wonderful leader known as Axel to see it.
It costs $25 to get in. A little pricey but we got it at the convention center so no discounts for us. Boohoo. As we walk in there's cosplay area at the far end and a stage nearby with booths littered here and there. We, by some magical chance, end up at the little anime shop there. I end blowing some of my money on a new Vongola ring and Axel gets...other stuff. Little card things. I get a Kuroshitsuji one. They also have a few Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts necklaces (eg: Xigbar's snipers and such) We go over to the Square Enix area and stare at stuff we know we won't buy (like that stuffed Moogle and all those posters) Axel drooled over Tidus, I did the same for Leon and Dante. (No Kingdom Hearts stuff! As usual.) We then move over to the gaming stations. Marvel v.s. Capcom 3 had two stations but constantly had people lining up for it. Phooey.
We went over to the PSP gaming station. Axel took a picture with a giant penguin from Prinny. We played and failed at Aqua in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Went around and played Dissidia 012. (Out March 3rd next year.) I had a blast. It's on definitely on my wish list now. We went on to the second platform and I tried to play The 3rd Birthday and failed miserably. I still want it regardless. For some horrifying reason they didn't have it. I guess that's what happens when you go on the last day.
We go back towards the cosplayers and I recognize about a dozen KHR cosplayers (yayyyyy), a few Naruto cosplayers (saw a very nice Kakashi), a couple Gintama cosplayers, the usual abundance of Mikus, Rins, Lens and Kaitos and few scatter Kuroshitsuji cosplayers. Took a few pictures and continue towards the autograph wall. Took a few more of some nice drawings and Gazette signature.
One of the main things being showcased was the PS Move.To be honest, it seems to work exactly like a Wii except the remote looks like some kind of light up microphone. Not too impressed. As we were browsing back at the gaming stations I hear a familiar noise and called out to Axel. We ran but had already missed the trailer for a Kingdom Hearts game. If we were lucky, it was just for Final Mix and nothing big like Re:Coded. We then watch a few trailers in 3D including the new Metal Gear Solid: Rising, FFXIII, Gran Turismo and the "relaunched" Devil May Cry.
All in all, it was a pretty decent convention, slightly small in size but there were two other larger conventions going on at the same time. I'm looking forward to some new games and a New Year. Can't wait.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Starry Sky Ep 1 [Review]
So, I'll be writing this review as I watch it on a tab- so it'll all be what I feel about this anime "first hand", no edits or research ;)
Op isn't all that great in my opinion... so I guess I'll skip that~
Animation is incredibly smooth and... game-like? I guess that was to be expected though XD
So far I've watched as far as the telescope being picked up by the girl... taking a closer look at the boys face now... what do I find?
A girl.
The boy is a girl, his eyes are bigger than the girl's too 0.0
Okay story continues...
actually.. chotto-
this is completely off-topic but...
I love the girl's bunny clips!!!! ^OwO^
The rest is kinda boring...
Until he gets to class and starts talking to himself in this stalker-like girl-voice way...
that was creepy ><
But when he says that the girl knows him- I really want to keep watching T^T
Why is something so weirdly boring able to make me want to watch?!?!
ED is great- maybe I should learn to play it?
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Op isn't all that great in my opinion... so I guess I'll skip that~
Animation is incredibly smooth and... game-like? I guess that was to be expected though XD
So far I've watched as far as the telescope being picked up by the girl... taking a closer look at the boys face now... what do I find?
A girl.
The boy is a girl, his eyes are bigger than the girl's too 0.0
Okay story continues...
actually.. chotto-
this is completely off-topic but...
I love the girl's bunny clips!!!! ^OwO^
The rest is kinda boring...
Until he gets to class and starts talking to himself in this stalker-like girl-voice way...
that was creepy ><
But when he says that the girl knows him- I really want to keep watching T^T
Why is something so weirdly boring able to make me want to watch?!?!
ED is great- maybe I should learn to play it?
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Friday, December 24, 2010
End of Fall '10 Anime Season
Meh, that time has rolled around again T_T That time that comes 4 times every year, when an anime season ends >.< That time when I get sad and down because I’m gonna miss all those characters that I’ve grown to love in the last 12 weeks or more. Well, I’m gonna just do a short blurb on each series, now that they’re all over, and special mentions to charas that I’m gonna remember forever =D (btw, if it’s listed here, then I liked it haha)
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai:
Awesome series XD The encounter in the last ep was really hilarious too lololol. I liked the ending, and it’s definitely open for another season :D I really like Kyosuke and Kuroneko haha. He was so nice and sweet, and she was just so cute~~~!!!! I take back what I said earlier. I can BET you there’s gonna be a second season: we’ve yet to see Saori’s true identity haha =DDD
Otome Youkai Zakuro:
Not mind-blowing, but quite satisfying. The soundtrack for this series is AWESOME, I’m definitely gonna get it when it comes out. The ending was appropriate, I’d say ^^” But overall, yes, I would definitely recommend this, if you’re more of the shoujo-magic-romance sort of person.
A quite inspiring series really, and the content is also extremely interesting for you manga-lovers out there =D The voice acting wasn’t as passionate or awesome as I’d imagined from reading the manga though =(
The World God Only Knows:
One thing I’ll say: THE SECOND SEASON HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!!!!!!! Dude this is one of the most awesome series ever it makes me laugh so hard XDDD It’s like, a satire on the whole gaming industry =P The last ep is DEFINITELY the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen in a LOONG while lolololololol they went and made gaming look that awesome =P Satirical irony. Good stuff, good stuff.
This was, like, weird. And in the end, there was nothing related to God anywyas. Meh, was a pretty good series overall, the characters were all really cute and all, but don’t really leave a lasting impression. I wouldn’t particularly recommend this to anyone, cus it’s got a bit of normal comedy and a LOT of weird comedy.
Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls:
Fanservice. That’s mostly what it was. Well, it had a very interesting animation style, which definitely deserves mention of its own. Other than that, the plot line wasn’t all that impressive, the characters didn’t have too much depth, and the ending was pretty disappointing; not even a cliffhanger. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. But I’m too harsh: it can prove quite interesting if you like busty girls fighting with enemies and with each other over a guy. Oh, there was one without a bust =P
Motto To-Love-ru:
What can I say? Hilarious ecchi scenes with everyone picking on Rito, as usual =P But this time it just felt more like an animation of the manga, there wasn’t a lot of the director’s own originality. But then again, I don’t mind it this way, the manga itself is pretty interesting stuff ^^ Plus, all the charas are cute haha =D
Sora no Otoshimono Forte:
Ikaros. Nymph. Astrea. Then Chaos. Tomoki’s household just keeps increasing with angels that he’s “converted” lol. Quite interesting as an ecchi series: it actually had something of a plot, instead of just unrelated episodes one after another. If my hunch is right, we’re definitely gonna see a third season of this, there’re just too many strings left untied haha.
Shinryaku! Ika Musume:
Now this is one of those rare slice-of-life series that I can’t tear myself away from. I give this full points. Ika Musume is just so cute, so naively huggable, and so fun a character that I sincerely feel sad about never hearing her again =( She’s definitely a character that I’m never going to forget >.<
Nurarihyon no Mago:
Hmmm, this was pretty good in the way of an action/youkai series. The manga is quite ahead, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this got more seasons. The two OPs were really catchy and cool =D On the other hand, I found the two EDs quite unbearable =P I think the director did a very good job presenting this series. The first time I saw Nurarihyon, I thought “what’s up with his hair???” but now it just feels so natural to see it like that hahahaha XD Plus Tsurara. Y’know, Yuki Onna? She’s cute >.<
Meh I said it’d be short but yea, haha. Well, one week of mourning, then next week it’s all new series, yay!! Oh btw, Haiyoru has already started, but that’s a flash anime, so don’t even bother =.=”
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
WINTER ANIME IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!........ but before that……
Christmas is here =D Maaan~ over these last few centuries Christmas sure has evolved into many things for different peoples and different cultures. To many, it is now X’mas, a time to exchange presents and have turkey and a big family dinner. To Japanese, X’mas eve has become the date for couples, second only to Valentine’s. To otakus, it is a milestone which reminds them of the fast-approaching climax of the year: COMIKET!!! But for us Christians, it’s a little bit different ^^” We go back in history, and remember the original purpose for this festival; we remember exactly what it is that this day is supposed to celebrate: the birth of a man called Jesus. Christ is his title. His occupation, you can say. Or his identity.
Most of the year around, I’m all high on anime and manga. Or games. Or dramas. Only Korean and Japanese dramas, mind; Canto and Taiwanese and Mando and American dramas are all crap (except for The Big Bang Theory!). Otherwise, I’m stressing about tests. Exams. Homework. But Christmas, and Easter, and Black Friday (not the stock market one), and the Pentecost, and all the Sundays bring me back. They remind me that this is not what life is for. True, these things brighten life up; they are the icing on the cake, or the ribbon on the wrapped gift. But too often, we absorb ourselves into the wrappings. We ooh and aah over the icing, about how beautiful it is, about the gold gildings on the chocolate signpost on the cake, and take ages just tasting the icing. Then we don’t eat the cake. We don’t open the present. That’s stupid. Life is about living. Anime and manga and movies and books are all forms of escapism. They bring the audience to another world where their imagination is led through exhilarating trips. But remember, dear Reader: this excitement is based on real life. In fact, real life can be even greater than that! Not the magic and the dragons and the Deathly Hallows; but love, and family, and sacrifice, and miracles. These are what makes a movie great. We may look at the CGs and compare and chase after the actors, but in the end, it’s always the meaning of the movie that captures your heart. And in life, that meaning is right there. Right beside you. And to us Christians, we know that it’s even inside us. We live for Jesus. We breath for Jesus. Anime and manga is good and all, but at least on Christmas, don’t forget: we live only to honor His name and to make the world His apostles. Amen. Merry Christmas. God bless.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Gundam Wing is older than me?
Being the first Gundam series to be dubbed and aired in other languages, Gundam Wing is now celebrating it's 15th anniversary!
15... it's older than me! Running actively on TV Asahi from April 7th, 1995 to March 29th, 1996 with 49 episodes- with several replays (only reason I would even know about it XD), there will be a new addition to this Gundam series titled "Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop" (isn't is sad when anime names become lamer with time?) which will be set 30 years in the future from the original series and the original sub-series, "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" (which unfortunately I was unable to watch T^T).
For those out there maybe slightly older than me, do you feel like you're childhood is returning with news such as this?
If so- remember to keep an eye on anime streaming sites ^^
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
15... it's older than me! Running actively on TV Asahi from April 7th, 1995 to March 29th, 1996 with 49 episodes- with several replays (only reason I would even know about it XD), there will be a new addition to this Gundam series titled "Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop" (isn't is sad when anime names become lamer with time?) which will be set 30 years in the future from the original series and the original sub-series, "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" (which unfortunately I was unable to watch T^T).
For those out there maybe slightly older than me, do you feel like you're childhood is returning with news such as this?
If so- remember to keep an eye on anime streaming sites ^^
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Saturday, December 18, 2010
10 Minute Manga Challenge
Er...I'm back? :D Haha, sorry for the disappearance guys. I haven't even gotten to touch my laptop since Tuesday. ^^" Seeing as I haven't caught up on a single manga or anime since October (dying) I might as well do this and then download a hella lot of stuff and start catching up. |D
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Syuri’s 10mins Manga Challenge: Yuzuru’s List
Ai Kora
Akane-chan OVERDRIVE
Ane Comi
Ane Doki
Angel Densetsu
Bitter Virgin
Cage of Eden
Defense Devil
Fairy Tail
Flame of Recca
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gacha Gacha ~Secret~
Gacha Gacha ~Capsule~
Good Morning Kiss
Hayate no Gotoku
Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn
Legend of Koizumi
Love Hina
Midori no Hibi
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Mahou Shoujo Iroha
One Piece
The World God Only Knows
To Love-ru
Tower of God
Don't have much to say about specific series =P The general genre that I like is comedy/ecchi/action/romance. Actually, if it's on this list, then I like it XD The ones that I've highlighted are just the ones that I really really recommend. Later I went back to and found a few that I've missed, but I didn't add them into here. After doing this challenge, I realized that I wasn't really such a manga fan after all lol. I was really really impressed with Syuri's list hahahaha.
University Exams
WAHAHAHAHAHA hi guys, I’m finally back. I’ve lived through the first exam period of my CUHK career *stars around me like Major Armstrong*!!! So, this post is about some of the more, ehem, interesting stuff that happened during my exam periods XD
Day 1: Cantonese Exam
Nothing special happened this day. The only thing that I found funny was that the test itself was also written in Cantonese, so when I was answering the questions and didn’t know how to write a word, I’d just flip around and copy it from the test questions XDDDDD
Day 2: Math Exam
DUDE I couldn’t believe it, I only found out the night before that I wasn’t allowed to use a graphic calculator in this exam T_T I was so heartbroken, I’d been using this graphic calculator throughout my entire high school career. A friend came up with a very accurate analogy: it’s like a gunman getting his gun confiscated right before a gunfight. Anyways, there was this list provided by the university on the calculators allowed to bring into test centers. So the next morning, before the exam, I went to buy a new calculator … and after buying it, I realized that I’D BOUGHT A WRONG ONE. I’d just checked with the list, went “alright this one’s on the list let’s go” AND GRABBED A BUSINESS CALCULATOR instead. Lmao. It could help me calculate my taxes and discounts and all that stuff =P But it had no pi. IT HAD NO PI. So I went back and bought another one. That day, I felt stupid having 2 new calculators inside my bag.
Day 3: Japanese Exam
Maaaaan~~~ this exam was HARDCORE. They gave like, 100+ MCs within 20 minutes. The teacher said, “whole test is in MCs” so I thought HAH easy-peasy. Then it started and I was like ROFLMAOWTHBBQ. I didn’t have time to answer everything. Hope I got a decent score T_T But I have 100% confidence on the listening part – thanks to four whole years of anime XDD ANIME BANZAI!!!
Day 4: Physics Exam
I toted my new SCIENTIFIC calculator and went. I didn’t study a whole lot for this (I was studying for the math exam until it ended, so only 2 days to study physics). I don’t have any confidence for this one =.=” And for the last question, I mulled over it for an entire hour. Yes, an entire hour. In the end, I still couldn’t really solve it “OTL.
Day 5: Biochemistry/Biotechnology Exam
Lol I think I did pretty good on this one, thanks to AP Chemistry and AP Biology and some feverish last-minute studying. I finished with half an hour to spare, and thought I could leave early. Then I realized THEY GAVE ME TWO ANSWER BOOKLETS BECAUSE I WAS SUPPOSED TO ANSWER PARTS A AND B SEPARATELY so in the last hour I was copying what I’d written for Part B into the second booklet as fast as I can. As fast as I can. So much for thinking that I could save paper O_O
IT’S OVER!!!!!
So I went home. And I gamed. I play Ragnarok, by the way. AnimusRO server. So yea, I’ve been gaming crazily ever since XD Then I remembered to post. So yea, here I post =D Now, BACK TO ANIME!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Syuri's 10 Minute Manga Challenge
Okay, since now no one is posting anything.
As in [n o n e]
I decided I'd do something "tag" style ;3
Basically, I want everybody reading this to do the same.
1. Give yourself 10 minutes, and make sure your'e free of disturbances. Go to the toilet and turn of your phone if you have to C;
2. Open up a word doc. and turn off your internet connection if you can (we don't want you to cheat ^^)
3. Type up as many manga's titles that you can think of that you have finished reading (or read up to the lastest chapter as of doing this)
4. Remember: Do. Not. Cheat. It ruins the fun of hitting your head and forcing yourself to pay attention to the titles of mangas instead of storylines (that's me XD)
5. Fix up the grammar (caps) later, we don't want you to waste time ^^
6. OPTIONAL: highlight and italic-ize the ones you would definitely recommend others ;] and add commentary like I did if you want ~
So here's what I came up with, can you beat me? I spent the last 2 minutes or so just pulling at my hair and basically giving up ;3
Naruto (funny how Naruto and Bleach always come into mind first XD)
Air Gear (seriously the most epic shounen manga EVER! quite ecchi though ><)
D.Gray Man
Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn (if I did this 1 year ago, this would def. be highlighted and italic-ized...)
Gakuen Alice
Ghost Hunt
Detective Conan
Fairy Tail
Fairy Megane
Fairy Cube
Vampire Knight
Saijou no Meii
Ouran HSHC
Shinobi Life
Kaichou wa Maid Sama
Pandora Hearts
1/2 Ouji
Shounen Dolls
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Harlem Beat wa Yoake
Monochrome Factor
La Corda D'Oro
Dengeki Daisy
Hana to Akuma
Princess Princess
Koko Ni Iru Yo!
Sakurahime Kaden
Tennis no Oujisama
Shin Tennis no Oujisama
Barajou no Kiss
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura
Zero Count
Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri
Kyou, Koi wa Hajimemasu
Houkago no Oujisama
Zettai Kareshi (I just watched the last episode of the live drama during breakfast this morning :])
Her Majesty's Dog
The World Only God Knows
Do You Want To Try?
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Kenja wa Nemuru
Elemental Gelade
Girl in Heels
Makai Ouji
Dance In The Vampire Bund
Watashi ni xx Shinasai
Hanashite Nante Agenai yo
Obaka-chan, Koigatariki
Bloody Cross
Crimson Empire
Shouri no Akuma
Rasetsu no Hana
Hanako to Guuwa no Tera
Skip Beat!
Akatsuki no Aria
Akuma to Love Song
Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu
Hana no Kishi
Wild Ones
Tales of Innocence
Beauty Pop
Shugo Chara
Black Cat
Ludwig Kakumei
Zodiac P.I.
Ranma 1/2
Death Note
Jigoku Shoujo
99% Love
Peter Pan Syndrome
Mermaids Saga
Love Monster
Kimi Sae mo Ai no Kusari
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tsubasa Chronicles
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Rurouni Kenshin
Kamichama Karin
Charisma Doll
Haou Airen
Double Arts
The Lover of the Devil
Rust Blaster
Tsuki no Shippo
Hana Kimi (the full name completely escapes me XD)
Show Princess
Princess Tutu
Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! (I don't think I've ever met someone who didn't enjoy this ^^)
Kitchen Princess
Otogibanashi de Himitsu no Kiss
Watashi no + Okusuri
Uwasa no Midori-kun
Moe Kare
Defense Devil
Suki desu Suzuki-kun!
Spiral: Suiri ni Kizuna (I LOVE LOVE LOVE)
Fly High
Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan Totteoki no Uso (it's going to be a movie soon!!!)
Eden no Ori
Kami ka Akuma ka
I think I did pretty well with this challenge ^^
I'd love to see someone else do the same!
You can really tell what types of manga people like by doing this, as the ones that make a deeper impression will most likely be on the list ;]
But yeah, I highlighted those that I really like so you can check them out ;3
Until next time~
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
As in [n o n e]
I decided I'd do something "tag" style ;3
Basically, I want everybody reading this to do the same.
1. Give yourself 10 minutes, and make sure your'e free of disturbances. Go to the toilet and turn of your phone if you have to C;
2. Open up a word doc. and turn off your internet connection if you can (we don't want you to cheat ^^)
3. Type up as many manga's titles that you can think of that you have finished reading (or read up to the lastest chapter as of doing this)
4. Remember: Do. Not. Cheat. It ruins the fun of hitting your head and forcing yourself to pay attention to the titles of mangas instead of storylines (that's me XD)
5. Fix up the grammar (caps) later, we don't want you to waste time ^^
6. OPTIONAL: highlight and italic-ize the ones you would definitely recommend others ;] and add commentary like I did if you want ~
So here's what I came up with, can you beat me? I spent the last 2 minutes or so just pulling at my hair and basically giving up ;3
Naruto (funny how Naruto and Bleach always come into mind first XD)
Air Gear (seriously the most epic shounen manga EVER! quite ecchi though ><)
D.Gray Man
Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn (if I did this 1 year ago, this would def. be highlighted and italic-ized...)
Gakuen Alice
Ghost Hunt
Detective Conan
Fairy Tail
Fairy Megane
Fairy Cube
Vampire Knight
Saijou no Meii
Ouran HSHC
Shinobi Life
Kaichou wa Maid Sama
Pandora Hearts
1/2 Ouji
Shounen Dolls
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Harlem Beat wa Yoake
Monochrome Factor
La Corda D'Oro
Dengeki Daisy
Hana to Akuma
Princess Princess
Koko Ni Iru Yo!
Sakurahime Kaden
Tennis no Oujisama
Shin Tennis no Oujisama
Barajou no Kiss
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura
Zero Count
Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri
Kyou, Koi wa Hajimemasu
Houkago no Oujisama
Zettai Kareshi (I just watched the last episode of the live drama during breakfast this morning :])
Her Majesty's Dog
The World Only God Knows
Do You Want To Try?
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Kenja wa Nemuru
Elemental Gelade
Girl in Heels
Makai Ouji
Dance In The Vampire Bund
Watashi ni xx Shinasai
Hanashite Nante Agenai yo
Obaka-chan, Koigatariki
Bloody Cross
Crimson Empire
Shouri no Akuma
Rasetsu no Hana
Hanako to Guuwa no Tera
Skip Beat!
Akatsuki no Aria
Akuma to Love Song
Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu
Hana no Kishi
Wild Ones
Tales of Innocence
Beauty Pop
Shugo Chara
Black Cat
Ludwig Kakumei
Zodiac P.I.
Ranma 1/2
Death Note
Jigoku Shoujo
99% Love
Peter Pan Syndrome
Mermaids Saga
Love Monster
Kimi Sae mo Ai no Kusari
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tsubasa Chronicles
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Rurouni Kenshin
Kamichama Karin
Charisma Doll
Haou Airen
Double Arts
The Lover of the Devil
Rust Blaster
Tsuki no Shippo
Hana Kimi (the full name completely escapes me XD)
Show Princess
Princess Tutu
Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! (I don't think I've ever met someone who didn't enjoy this ^^)
Kitchen Princess
Otogibanashi de Himitsu no Kiss
Watashi no + Okusuri
Uwasa no Midori-kun
Moe Kare
Defense Devil
Suki desu Suzuki-kun!
Spiral: Suiri ni Kizuna (I LOVE LOVE LOVE)
Fly High
Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan Totteoki no Uso (it's going to be a movie soon!!!)
Eden no Ori
Kami ka Akuma ka
I think I did pretty well with this challenge ^^
I'd love to see someone else do the same!
You can really tell what types of manga people like by doing this, as the ones that make a deeper impression will most likely be on the list ;]
But yeah, I highlighted those that I really like so you can check them out ;3
Until next time~
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Thursday, December 9, 2010
[KWMS] Usui's... purse?
Because I'm so cool I upload more than 1 post a week XD
So let's get on with it~
So I was happily reading my LaLa of the month and...
I flipped the page back...
Usui was carrying?
A . p u r s e ?
Not just any purse-
My mom's purse -w-"
*eh hum*
Your mom's purse.
I have kindly waited for this to be translated in english before linking a pic for everybody~ ^^

Everyone, marvel this to your heart's content and ask yourself-
"Why does Usui look like a women from the back?"
But nether-less, just for being Usui Takumi (mind you, the person voted #1 for being the sex*iest anime male of 2010)
He can rock that man-purse XD
God- he can be in my mom's flowery gardening clothes and still look hot XD
...maybe not
But just sharing a great moment of joy with you guys~
Let's just say it's an early Christmas pressie for everyone ;3
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
So let's get on with it~
So I was happily reading my LaLa of the month and...
I flipped the page back...
Usui was carrying?
A . p u r s e ?
Not just any purse-
My mom's purse -w-"
*eh hum*
Your mom's purse.
I have kindly waited for this to be translated in english before linking a pic for everybody~ ^^
Everyone, marvel this to your heart's content and ask yourself-
"Why does Usui look like a women from the back?"
But nether-less, just for being Usui Takumi (mind you, the person voted #1 for being the sex*iest anime male of 2010)
He can rock that man-purse XD
God- he can be in my mom's flowery gardening clothes and still look hot XD
...maybe not
But just sharing a great moment of joy with you guys~
Let's just say it's an early Christmas pressie for everyone ;3
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Oricon's Weekly Manga Rating for December 13th
Maybe a bit late- but wanted to post this anyway ^^
1. “BLEACH” (the 48th colume) – Kubo Tite (462,154)

2. “Yotsubato!” (the 10th volume) – Azuma Kiyohiko (243,912)

3. “D.Gray-man” (the 21st volume) – Hoshino Katsura (215,177)

4. “Gintama” (the 37th volume) – Sorachi Hideaki (188,618)

5. “Katekyoushi Hitman REBORN!” (the 32nd volume) – Amano Akira (180,760)

So those were the results everybody, I sure hope I wasn't the only one that found this disappointing ><
How did Gintama beat KRR? Yotsubato beat D.Gray-man?
And god- BLEACH isn't even good!!!
What is this?
oh well- back to reading shoujo I guess ;3
Just as much action with at least more decent story lines then shounen these days -w-"
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
1. “BLEACH” (the 48th colume) – Kubo Tite (462,154)
2. “Yotsubato!” (the 10th volume) – Azuma Kiyohiko (243,912)
3. “D.Gray-man” (the 21st volume) – Hoshino Katsura (215,177)
4. “Gintama” (the 37th volume) – Sorachi Hideaki (188,618)
5. “Katekyoushi Hitman REBORN!” (the 32nd volume) – Amano Akira (180,760)
So those were the results everybody, I sure hope I wasn't the only one that found this disappointing ><
How did Gintama beat KRR? Yotsubato beat D.Gray-man?
And god- BLEACH isn't even good!!!
What is this?
oh well- back to reading shoujo I guess ;3
Just as much action with at least more decent story lines then shounen these days -w-"
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Katekyo Hitman Reborn,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Arakawa Under The Bridge x Bridge 9
Yes yes, I have started on holidays.
After being declared unworthy by metanorn..
But that's not the point!
Anyways, ONWARD >D
(I'll post screencaps later GOMEN D:)
The episode starts with a rather good opening (well. Personal opinion) because of all the pretty dresses and elegant animation. The girls describe the boys as princes while they all dream about something sweet. I quite liked it.. and it was rather a change from the original type of opening centered around Ric.
We're greeted by a poor man running out of the church (it's Sister's church. Who ISN'T scared?) and Stella, along with Sister, run out after him, in pursuit, only to find out... he's gotten away. Ric iscreepishly conveniently walking past by, until he watched the events play out rather calmly. I imagine one would have to get used to it. hum de dum.
So we continue on this, until we find a PARCEL.
-picks up the parcel, and epic music plays-
letter for Shiro san.
Stella and Sister paranoidly fuss over it (IT'S DANGEROUS!!) while Ric decides to hand it over to Shiro san. As he walks, he finds that the letter is from his wife, and he imagines all sort of horrible things. Then he spots the words. IMPORTANT LETTER.
what will happen to the poor Shiro san? Is his wife REALLYcheating on divorcing him??
Ric once again stresses out while walking to Shiro san only to find him with none other than the blushing Shimazaki. She informs Ric, and they have a long winded discussion, while they all seem to miss each other's points completely. -snickers- Bishie looking Shiro chan and his long eyelashes. Smoothh Shimazaki, smooth.
Oh, don't forget about the compliments Shiro san gives to the already swooning Shimazaki.
I repeat: smooothhh...
Oh and then Ric finds out Shimazaki fell for Shiro san. After asking him weird questions.
(What do I mean to you, Coach?)
Shiro san tells Shimazaki he wants to walk beside her forever.
But he's being misleading.
So Ric tries to scare Shiro san by telling him that the 'divorce papers' are arriving, but tries not to let him read it.
It actually turns out to be a sweet letter from his wife, with the statement, I trust in you and love you no matter what you do.
Then the segment ends.
Excuse me while I try download the second part.
Yuzu ^^
Yes yes, I have started on holidays.
After being declared unworthy by metanorn..
But that's not the point!
Anyways, ONWARD >D
(I'll post screencaps later GOMEN D:)
The episode starts with a rather good opening (well. Personal opinion) because of all the pretty dresses and elegant animation. The girls describe the boys as princes while they all dream about something sweet. I quite liked it.. and it was rather a change from the original type of opening centered around Ric.
We're greeted by a poor man running out of the church (it's Sister's church. Who ISN'T scared?) and Stella, along with Sister, run out after him, in pursuit, only to find out... he's gotten away. Ric is
So we continue on this, until we find a PARCEL.
-picks up the parcel, and epic music plays-
letter for Shiro san.
Stella and Sister paranoidly fuss over it (IT'S DANGEROUS!!) while Ric decides to hand it over to Shiro san. As he walks, he finds that the letter is from his wife, and he imagines all sort of horrible things. Then he spots the words. IMPORTANT LETTER.
what will happen to the poor Shiro san? Is his wife REALLY
Ric once again stresses out while walking to Shiro san only to find him with none other than the blushing Shimazaki. She informs Ric, and they have a long winded discussion, while they all seem to miss each other's points completely. -snickers- Bishie looking Shiro chan and his long eyelashes. Smoothh Shimazaki, smooth.
Oh, don't forget about the compliments Shiro san gives to the already swooning Shimazaki.
I repeat: smooothhh...
Oh and then Ric finds out Shimazaki fell for Shiro san. After asking him weird questions.
(What do I mean to you, Coach?)
Shiro san tells Shimazaki he wants to walk beside her forever.
But he's being misleading.
So Ric tries to scare Shiro san by telling him that the 'divorce papers' are arriving, but tries not to let him read it.
It actually turns out to be a sweet letter from his wife, with the statement, I trust in you and love you no matter what you do.
Then the segment ends.
Excuse me while I try download the second part.
Yuzu ^^
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hana to Akuma Ending Review [SPOILER]
Only for those who have finished the manga because they can read nihongo- and don't need to wait for translations.
I ADORED the ending of HANA TO AKUMA
It was bittersweet everybody~ stop complaining that it's sad -w-"
For a shoujo manga, this now goes on as one of the best on my list of epic endings.
Hana to Akuma parts with us in a 27 page ending, I was hoping they'd get a special and run for 40+... but I guess, short and sweet is good too ne? ^^
With a beautiful full-color page as the beginning~ mind you, featuring both Hana and Vivi with their eyes closed, which made it so so much better (since their eyes was the main reason I seriously considered dropping this)!
The color page seems to have an "antique" feeling to it? The type of tea-stained effect color-scheme, which makes it so oddly romantic... >w<
We start "episode.58" (as the cover reads), with a timeskip to "1 year later", with a beautiful wedding dress on Hana and Vivi looking fine as usual... guess what? They finally get married! YAY!
Just a question: How old is Hana again after the time-skip? She looks 15-16 -w-"
Momo also pays a visit to Hana at her wedding, sending her down the aisle with a smile and we are finally given our last romantic moment with Hana and Vivi under the moonlight, hugging and a smile on their faces.
With another skip through time- we are seen with a young girl walking home who looks suspiciously like Hana, meeting with Eleanor and Felton- then seeing her brother (who looks like Momo and Vivi's gay child XD) ushers him towards their car.
As they meet Vivi, we see him standing in front of a grave and...
*le gasp*
it's Hana's T^T
Most of us, who have followed this manga ever since the beginning are probably tearing up by now- but let me continue...
We - the readers are finally given our last parting gift with Hana to Akuma with a series of flashbacks with Vivi being the narrator- finishing his little speech with a smile.
Flowers are then put in front of Hana's grave, and we are lead to presume that the two "young'ins" are the children of Vivi and Hana.
The story finally finishes with a picture of Hana's grave, several bouquets and a single rose from Vivi.
"To live in the hearts
of those we love
is never to die"
is the quote embedded on Hana's grave.
Doesn't that finish the story perfectly?
I'm actually kind of glad we don't get the Disney ending with "happily ever after" and Hana turns out to be an angel or get an immortal potion blah blah blah.
As I said, I ADORED this ending.
Bittersweet endings like this is the best ^^ (unless it's like Clannad and turns good after bad, or was just a happy story with no major complication like Immortal+Mortal to start with).
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Only for those who have finished the manga because they can read nihongo- and don't need to wait for translations.
I ADORED the ending of HANA TO AKUMA
It was bittersweet everybody~ stop complaining that it's sad -w-"
For a shoujo manga, this now goes on as one of the best on my list of epic endings.
Hana to Akuma parts with us in a 27 page ending, I was hoping they'd get a special and run for 40+... but I guess, short and sweet is good too ne? ^^
With a beautiful full-color page as the beginning~ mind you, featuring both Hana and Vivi with their eyes closed, which made it so so much better (since their eyes was the main reason I seriously considered dropping this)!
The color page seems to have an "antique" feeling to it? The type of tea-stained effect color-scheme, which makes it so oddly romantic... >w<
We start "episode.58" (as the cover reads), with a timeskip to "1 year later", with a beautiful wedding dress on Hana and Vivi looking fine as usual... guess what? They finally get married! YAY!
Just a question: How old is Hana again after the time-skip? She looks 15-16 -w-"
Momo also pays a visit to Hana at her wedding, sending her down the aisle with a smile and we are finally given our last romantic moment with Hana and Vivi under the moonlight, hugging and a smile on their faces.
With another skip through time- we are seen with a young girl walking home who looks suspiciously like Hana, meeting with Eleanor and Felton- then seeing her brother (who looks like Momo and Vivi's gay child XD) ushers him towards their car.
As they meet Vivi, we see him standing in front of a grave and...
*le gasp*
it's Hana's T^T
Most of us, who have followed this manga ever since the beginning are probably tearing up by now- but let me continue...
We - the readers are finally given our last parting gift with Hana to Akuma with a series of flashbacks with Vivi being the narrator- finishing his little speech with a smile.
Flowers are then put in front of Hana's grave, and we are lead to presume that the two "young'ins" are the children of Vivi and Hana.
The story finally finishes with a picture of Hana's grave, several bouquets and a single rose from Vivi.
"To live in the hearts
of those we love
is never to die"
is the quote embedded on Hana's grave.
Doesn't that finish the story perfectly?
I'm actually kind of glad we don't get the Disney ending with "happily ever after" and Hana turns out to be an angel or get an immortal potion blah blah blah.
As I said, I ADORED this ending.
Bittersweet endings like this is the best ^^ (unless it's like Clannad and turns good after bad, or was just a happy story with no major complication like Immortal+Mortal to start with).
matte ne?
s y u r i ♡
Friday, December 3, 2010
Making A/M/D Music Videos
Hey, It's Alazarelle here :D
I've always loved to created Anime Music videos (AMVs), Manga Music Videos (MMVs) and Doujin Music Videos (DMV) [I also love making slideshow stuff with hetalia <3 which I call HMVs]
Anyway, I am getting Sony Vegas Pro 9 for my Birthday/Christmas present which I am so excited about and so before Christmas I decided to download the free trial which has been so much fun to play with :3
I will admit that I'm a stubborn perfectionist who can never get anything done and show it to people XD But I actually feel a whole lot more confident now so I've decided to give a peek to my first short (hetalia) DMV that I made a few days ago. I've already made a full video but that's still being rendered. This is also a draft kinda thing so don't expect anything amazing XD
(The video isn't working D: So, I'll just post a link to my Youtube account so you can see videos when I post them up there) - (CLICK)
:3 That's basically all I've got to say so Yuzu you better be damn happy I posted something XD
Remember everyone, the strike tool is your friend >:3
music video,
sony vegas pro,
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