Coming out of the shadows I’m here to illuminate the situation by blogging ;D
And the blogging I am doing is for the first episode of the new spring anime, Dog days.
Well this episode starts with a theme song called ‘scarlet knight’ with a blonde guy we don’t know yet but seems important cause he’s like everywhere in the theme song, anyways then we have this super intense (like camping) talk about war and we are introduced to some main characters, Princess, sorry I mean Female king, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois and the pretty pink princess from the other side Millhore F. (Firianno) Biscotti. We also get shown this creepy looking dog with shiny eyes, which seem to glint a lot (pervert?).
and then, (cue sakura blossoms and landscape shots), we are away from the dog eared people and end up in Japan, and what do you know we meet the blonde kid, turns out his name is shinku izumi, he is British and he is awesome at athletics, like really good, like omgwhatthefuckisthatthingflyingthroughtheairandflipping good, probably due to his obsession with it.
Sparkly eyes technique
We also meet his friend Rebecca who in this episode asks her whether she wants to go to a holiday destination with him and their parents. We also learn through their talk, that shinko is training for an event known as the iron Olympics. (Looks deadly: s) and that he came second in them and was sad for not becoming a champion.
Anyways, they get to school and go through an assembly, fast-forward through that and izumi comes running out the door apparently going to catch a flight back to Britain. And...Holy crap the pervert-dog is in Japan?! And he is staring at izumi (is he gay?) and then izumi, thinking to himself about how boring Japan is does an awesome flying flip off the roof and the creepy dog runs forward and puts a sword to the air, and shinko is like whatthehellthatsgonnahurt and then the dogs sword sparkles and a super shining symbols and portals open and izumi falls into them.
Oooohh purple lightning
Then falling through the dark purple vortex we are in floating islands and feet belonging to a certain pink person, are running up stairs, what do you know we are back in the dog world, she is super happy to see izumi falling to his death in a pink bubble and then boom and a flower?, (conclusion : weird but awesome) and he is in the dog world a bit of blushing and the whole realisation that she isn’t human, after establishing that he thinks she is cute. Then after small talk about things he doesn’t actually understand, fireworks on the port bow, me mateys, and that means a war has begun? Pretty weird huh? If I saw that I’d be like, woooh party-festival thing, but no it’s a war.
So we get a few little screenshots of the war, and no one dies? What is this?....anyways we see now that the one fighting the princess of biscotti (millhore) is none other than the female king, could have guessed that huh?, yeah right so the female king’s army is currently winning, cue leadership pep talk and they are off...then we see izumi and millhore walking and they encounter a ...... what the hell is that thing....and those eyes, they’re so creepy like they stare into your soul, turns out its called a CellKull, and its name is Halla, and it is AMAZING at running, so while they are cruising over large expanses of land, we get the jist of what is going on, like the war situation and that the female king Gallette is the ruler of a neighbouring country and that they have been waging war on and off for a while now, but the biscotti have been losing, and how they want izumi to help, would you look at that, the wars are based on athletics, what a surprise...
Stare – Squawk
So then, after a minute or two of athletic war, we get shown this green haired dog girl? Anyways she is important for we saw her in the opening two and also in the war talk at the start. She also has these twin blades that are so awesome, and a cool sparkly shiny light that flashes behind her sending energy like waves to ‘knock out’ her enemies....turning them into fur balls?
Super sparkly energy cross!
And then she calls to a guy named padue who is a serious looking guy, they look alike, I wonder if they are related.....And he uses the sparkly seal attack thing, how many people can do that?!and shinko seems as confused as I am about this war set-up, asking if anyone gets injured or dies, he gets the answer ‘unimaginable’ followed by the history of the methods used to solve arguments and such.
people die when they are killed - No shit
Then millhore turns to izumi and tells him of how her people are depressed and need his help or they will become even more depressed (oh noes! D: ) izumi soon comes to the conclusion that it is all a dream and agrees to help, so millhore thanks him and uses the seal thing on the bird and...OMG IT CAN FLY?!......they fly........and then what’s this young girl spying on them through a telescope, no wait its okay, there are old men there too. Izumi gets an announcement by the presenters for this war and we see a group of maids organising to get him ready in 30 SECONDS? Don’t set the bar too high girls, it’s not fun.
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The princess does a little speech on a microphone, and izumi gets an awesome entrance with explosions and shows off a bit with his weapon which is a staff and says a little phrase for show and BAM end of this episode.
Hope you like my bad blogging lol. : P
- Illuminya
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